When it comes to large mammals in North America, none – not even the now nearly ubiquitous and to some very troublesome White-tailed Deer – can match the contentiousness that swirls around the Grey Wolf. Variously feared and admired, cursed and defended, wolves have become something of a litmus test for how U.S. and Canadian society respectively decides to live with apex mammalian predators living free, albeit in very small numbers, among them.
Unfortunately, as in any highly-charged public debate, more heat than light is often generated, making the general public even more uncertain as to just how to understand wolves. Thus it is hoped that the publication of wildlife tracker, photographer, and outdoor educator David Moskowitz‘s Wolves in the Land of Salmon by Timber Press will cut through much of the misinformation and increase the popular understanding of these reclusive, seldom-seen, and (yes) beautiful animals.
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