It almost seems a bit redundant to mention American Canopy; Trees, Forests, and the Making of a Nation so soon again seeing as the presentation by the book’s author Erik Rutkow at Portland, Oregon’s Hoyt Arboretum was so recently noted here. Nevertheless, as a review copy has now arrived it would be wrong of me to break with my usual practice of bringing to the attention of one and all the existence of recently released books that appear to be likely candidates for future reviews – a category into which American Canopy most certainly fits.

Thus for those who might have glanced over the first citing of Mr. Rutkow’s book in The Well-read Naturalist (perhaps as it was deemed to be the simple report of a local event held at a location far from where the reader presently found him or herself), it is here again proclaimed to be worthy of notice to all interested in the natural history of the trees and forests of the United States as well as to those curious about the socio-political history of the nation in regard to where the latter intersected with the former.

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