On the way home from running a few errands the other day, I stopped and bought a new computer. I had been thinking about it for some weeks prior and had not intended to make the purchase that particular afternoon; it just seemed like a good time to do it. The entire time required for the transaction – from the time I entered the store to the time I walked out with it tucked under my arm – was less than twenty minutes. It was only a few hours later as I was sitting at our dining room table with this little electronic device roughly the size of an average book in front of me, typing onto its keyboard the various bits of information needed to set-up my e-mail and installing the software I use for my writing and photographic work that it suddenly dawned upon me what a truly remarkable thing I had just done.
“From Under My Hat” is a general opinion column produced on a weekly basis and available for one-time print publication purchase. Each column below, for which the title and opening paragraph are reproduced here, runs between 500-600 words each. Permission for print publication of a single installment (please see the disclaimer below) of any of the columns listed here can be purchased for $25.00 per ; simply follow the link at the end of each introductory paragraph.
The name From Under My Hat is a trademark of J. Riutta Enterprises LLC. Copyright is also asserted to all content of the essays referenced above with all rights reserved. Purchase of permission to publish any of these essays in print is for a single appearance of the essay in one print publication per purchase. No rights of ownership are transferred with the purchase nor is duplication in any other media allowed.
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