Let’s face it, once the good and decent men and women we elect to national office find themselves “inside the beltway” among the grand marble buildings that line the wide well-manicured avenues of our nation’s capital, the intoxicating effects of power and influence begin to take hold. Some can resist it for a time, others – few and far between to be sure – even seem to manage to keep it at bay indefinitely; however for most, the pleasures to be found within the beltway bubble are simply too strong to resist. Before they know it, they have forgotten what it is to be an average American. We need to remind them, and the best way I can think of to do so is to move the nation’s capital to Omaha, Nebraska.
“From Under My Hat” is a general opinion column produced on a weekly basis and available for one-time print publication purchase. Each column below, for which the title and opening paragraph are reproduced here, runs between 500-600 words each. Permission for print publication of a single installment (please see the disclaimer below) of any of the columns listed here can be purchased for $25.00 per ; simply follow the link at the end of each introductory paragraph.
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