I recently had the distinct pleasure of sitting down for an on-air interview with Ann Goldeen on her Diggin’ the Dirt radio program. For those who might be interesting in hearing the discussion we had about bird watching, field guides, binoculars, and other topics of mutual interest, the entire interview can be downloaded from the Coast Community Radio website.
For those who might not be familiar with Coast Community Radio, it is operated by the Tillicum Foundation and broadcasts non-commercial radio service through three stations, KMUN 91.9 FM (Astoria), KTCB 89.5 FM (Tillamook) and KCPB 90.9 FM (Warrenton), to the communities of the Greater Lower Columbia-Pacific region of Oregon and Washington. In an age of increasing media consolidation and for-profit broadcasting corporations putting the bottom line ahead of serving their listeners, Coast Community Radio provides a service to the people of their listening area (as well as those listening on-line) that is of inestimable value and for this, as well as for the high quality and heart-felt sincerity of their work, they deserve both thanks and support.
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