Two things about living in the Pacific Northwest of the United States are most certainly true: the “default” weather forecast is always for rain and with precious few exceptions the birds match the color palette of the weather. So it is always with a bit of personal joy when I inadvertently discover a flash of color in our garden – such as this Townsend’s Warbler that passed through just the other day.

One of our few warbler species and the only one that spends the winter with us, Townsend’s Warblers are unmistakable as they make the rounds of the local bird feeders in the company of the less dazzlingly hued juncos, chickadees, and our own peculiarly dark brownish-red Song Sparrows.

While not specifically the proverbial bluebirds of happiness, these little birds are, for me at least, the warblers rain-sodden cheer.

Both these images of the Townsend’s Warbler were recorded using the Wingscapes BirdCam 2.0.

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