Let’s face it, just because many of us write blogs doesn’t mean we are masters of social media. Oh sure, we probably have Facebook and Twitter accounts, but are we really making the most of all the opportunities available for connecting with others – be they potential readers or fellow hobby enthusiasts – by utilizing such other tools as Digg, Newsvine, and all the rest? If you’re like me, you might have considered “covering all the bases” simply too much work. However as accomplished social media mavens will attest, there is much to be gained by going beyond the “Face-Tweet” world.


That’s why I’m participating in a bold new online program produced by social media master Gunnar Engblom of Kolibri Expeditions. Social Media for Birders is intended to teach all the binocular-toting tribe how to connect better to one another across the wide, wide, world wide web. What’s more, he’s offering to teach all who sign up for this program for free.

In-depth instruction on how to more effectively use one of the most significant communication paradigms of the modern world – for free. Quite a difficult offer to pass up really.

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