Indeed he’s not. Gunnar Engblom of Kolibri Expeditions is really giving away free trips to Peru to see some of the most amazing birds and other wildlife on the planet, and to help bring attention to all the eco-tourism opportunities in the country. Naturally, I would very much like to go – but to do that I need your assistance.

A remarkably effective promotional activity for both Kolibri and Peru’s overall eco-tourism industry, this contest is intended to dramatically increase the market strength of both entities as well as to further strengthen the online network connections between bird watchers through the promotion of the potential of social media.

Therefore, Gunnar is judging the worth of travelers aspiring to one of these free trips through their ability to generate connections. In light of this, I would ask my readers to do one (or more) of the following – in fact, doing all of them is most highly encouraged:

What will you, the reader, get out of my going to Peru? As regular readers well know, I am curious about a wide variety of natural history subjects, from birds to bugs, beasts to botany, and even some things not beginning with the letter “B.” As a photographer as well as a writer, you can count on me to fill a case full of CF cards full of images and share them upon my return – or even while there if connections can be established – along with many tales of adventure and discovery.

Many thanks in advance for any time you are willing to spend helping in this project. Please feel free to mention my name in any communication with Gunnar or Kolibri.

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