Just as I was sitting down to write today’s post, my friendly, local UPS delivery driver knocked on my door with a package. As soon as I saw the box I nearly giggled like a kid at Christmas, for I knew immediately by the look of the box exactly what it contained.
Swarovski’s new 25-50x W eyepiece that combines the wide, razor-sharp, edge-to-edge view of my original Swarovski prime (that is, designated for one specific magnification level) eyepiece with the versatility of a zoom model…
… and their new UCA (Universal Camera Adapter), which from the presentation I saw Clay Taylor make at the Wild Birds Unlimited show in Washington last month truly lives up to its “universal” name in accommodating both digital compact as well as DSLR cameras.
Rest assured, I will have much more to say (with pictures of course) about both these products in the weeks to come; however right now I have to go outside and play – oops, I mean work.
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