There are times in life when one feels helplessly caught up in competition with others just to obtain the necessities of living.
There are also times when one feels that everything one does is no more substantial than shadows on the wall.
To help create balance out of both chaos and the void, it is important to remember to look upward every so often.
Looking down is important as well, for it is possible thus to discover a symmetry that was previously unnoticed.
Remember that although you do not know when, how, or by whom, much work was done to make it all possible.
Oh yes, and please, don’t forget simply to stop for tea now and then.
The view of the world from a tea house is quite possibly one of the most sublime and refreshing experiences available to us in this lifetime.
Thank you for joining me on this little ramble along philosophical pathways. Thanks you as well to the Japanese Garden Society of Portland and all who make places of peace and discovery such as the Portland Japanese Garden possible.
Location: Portland Japanese Garden, Portland, Oregon
Equipment: Canon 40D camera body, Canon EF 20mm f/2.8 USM lens, Canon EF 28mm f/1.8 USM lens
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