There are times when the level of Nerdvana I have achieved startles even me. Take the other day for example. We received a letter from our cable provider, Comcast, informing us that sometime next month they are switching over to an all-digital signal. Because of this, we would be receiving a number of new HD channels but because of which we would need a new digital cable box added to our television set.

Now, even though we receive approximately two hundred and fifty television channels, I generally watch roughly two – OPB (our local PBS affiliate) and occasionally National Geographic’s channel. So while the letter from Comcast promised dozens of new HD channels, most were of no interest to me; except possibly the one named Planet Green HD and another immediately next to it on the numerical channel roster named simply Bio HD. This is where the trouble began.

As, according to the letter, we needed to obtain a new cable box, I popped into the county’s Comcast office to see about picking one up and installing it myself. While making the obligatory small talk with the Comcast representative working there that day, who was by the way very pleasant and happy to help get me the box I needed, I made an observation about my interest in two of the new HD channels mentioned in the letter.

“That new Planet Green HD looks to be a pretty interesting channel,” I said “but I’m particularly interested in checking out the new biology channel.”

“Biology channel?” queried said Comcast representative. “There’s no new biology channel.”

“Sure there is,” I replied “it’s right here in the letter, see: ‘Bio HD.’”

Giving me the look I’m now very accustomed to getting, the one where the person’s face simultaneously displays a combination of confusion, disbelief, and amusement, the representative somewhat haltingly replied “Sir, that’s the Biography Channel.”

Oh well, a man can dream…

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