For those who might not yet have discovered it, Princeton University Press is publishing quite a respectable blog to bring news of their new and forthcoming titles to the attention of the reading public. As Princeton has long been a cornerstone publisher for works of natural history, particularly ornithology, it is indeed encouraging to see them using the blog to not only advertise their books but to join in the great online blog conversation as well and in so doing play an active role in the community as a whole.

For example, as Princeton will release Jeremy Mynott’s new book Birdscapes: Birds in Our Imagination and Experience in April, 2009, the Princeton University Press blog is posting a series of bird trivia questions generated by the book itself. Of course, as this is a blog, interested readers are encouraged to post their answers to these posed questions as comments. As a result of the first posted question, “Which bird is named after soiled underwear?” the comment field was quickly filled with a selection of opinions from interested bird enthusiasts.

According to Princeton’s bloggers, new trivia questions will be posted each Tuesday. As answers will be posted the following day, its best to visit early to let your opinion be noted before the official answer is revealed.

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