Half a dozen years ago, a corporate executive I knew was somewhat dubious about the true popularity of bird watching; he simply couldn’t believe that as many people participated in it as he was being told by his advisors. “How come if there are so many of you,” he asked me, in deference to my membership in the field glass tribe, “that I never see anything about it on television?”
My answer to him, while correct and statistically justified, failed to move him from his belief that only those things seen on television could possibly be popular activities. Would that I had the question to answer all over again today, I could simply suggest that he tune in to the Martha Stewart Show on Friday, February 6, 2009 for all his doubts to be blown to the winds.
While not a particularly active television viewer myself, I will certainly be setting our DVR to record this broadcast of the Martha Stewart Show, for in this particular episode, the Doyen of the Domestic Arts will be featuring Dr. Stephen W. Kress, Vice President for Bird Conservation for the National Audubon Society, Director of the Audubon Seabird Restoration Program, and Laboratory Associate at the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, discussing – what else – bird watching. In addition to visiting with Dr. Kress, Ms. Stewart will also be featuring two fine products for bird watchers: the Wingscapes BirdCam and the Droll Yankees line of squirrel-proof bird feeders.
All those interested in viewing Ms. Stewart’s bird-watching episode should consult her program’s website to discover the broadcast time and channel in their respective areas. It also almost goes without saying that retailers of both the Wingscapes BirdCam and Droll Yankees feeders might also want to increase their stock of these items accordingly as products featured on her program experience a notable increase in customer demand.
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