This being Boxing Day (appropriate greetings to all the Born Again Bird Watcher readers from commonwealth nations), the gifts of Christmas Eve and Christmas – according to varying traditions – have now been opened and the holiday rush and scurry now exists solely in memories and photographs. But about those gifts… inquiring readers as well as this writer would be interested to learn some of the favorite gifts you received.

For my part, I must break down my favorites into two categories – the completely brilliant and the heart-warming. In the completely brilliant category, I have to give the pride of place to my family’s gift to me of a trio of superb photographic accessories, including one that will also benefit the reading and viewing pleasure of Born Again Bird Watcher readers in the days and months to come: a Canon MR-14EX Macro Ring Lite. Get ready for dramatically improved insect and botanical photos!

Yet as much as I dearly appreciate the photographic equipment, I think I am even more pleased by the gift from my daughter of the book The Sushi Experience by Hiroko Shimbo. As I have noted in previous posts, my daughter and I share a love of Japanese food and culture. Her gift to me of such a marvelous book on an aspect of this jointly shared passion is gratifying to my heart in a way I shall never forget.

Peace and good bird watching.