As we here in Scappoose have been blanketed in snow for the past week (not a normal occurrence, to be sure) and last night were glazed with a sheet of ice atop the snow as well, “hunkering down” in our respective dwellings has become something of a local hobby as of late. While this situation may indeed be conducive to a moderate case of cabin fever, it does have its benefits as well. One of these has been to allow me to put aside the distractions of the outside world and attend to more reading and writing than I would have otherwise been able to do. And what have I been reading you may ask? A book that I eagerly awaited from the day I first learned of its planned publication and through which I have been pouring ever since the arrival of my very own copy in the post – the Peterson Field Guide to the Birds of North America.

Regardless of how many field guides you, your family, or your friends may own, you owe it to all previously mentioned to include this new Peterson guide on your list of “must buy” gifts this holiday season. Not only is it an enhancement in both form and content to the previous Peterson Western Birds and Eastern Birds respectively, it is an advancement of the Peterson legacy into the digital age through the inclusion of not only electronic enhancements to the paintings themselves in order to bring them into line with recent ornithological discoveries and advances in field observation techniques, but of the inclusion of a series of downloadable video podcasts pertinent to the book which are available to purchasers as well.

I have been enjoying the time I have thus far spent perusing my copy of the new Peterson guide immensely. As my family can, and will, quickly attest, I can sit for hours upon end completely engrossed in the plates, the text, and the improved and repositioned maps (no more flipping to the back of the book!). And the video podcasts – well, let’s just say that any recipient of the new Peterson guide will be giving their television a long rest.

Peace and good bird watching.