…but one of my Wingscapes BirdCams did.
Meet Hendrix, a friendly and free-ranging cat from our neighborhood. Sadly, he is frequently left outside all day (perhaps all night as well). Because of this, he is susceptible to becoming supper for one of the local coyotes or the large, vicious dog from up the road who has been known to get out and roam now and then. He is also vulnerable to tangling with one of the local skunks or raccoons, either of which could leave him with some nasty wounds as well as a possibly fatal disease. Of course, he could also be hit by a passing car.
Keeping domestic cats indoors is not just about preventing them from preying on the local bird population; it’s about protecting the cats themselves as well. Please share this information as well as that which can be found at the Keep Cats Indoors website with all your neighborhood cat owners.
Peace and good bird watching.