Basic facts about the maritime climate of northwest Oregon:

1. It rains

2. It rarely snows

3. It rains alot

4. If it gets close to freezing, we get ice, not snow (see #2)

5. Water falling from the sky is liquid 99% of the time

6. Regarding #5 – when it’s solid, it’s generally teeny little hailstones

7. Things the size of songbird eggs or larger don’t fall from the sky

Which is why this took everyone by such surprise today:

Yes, those are daffodils, or at lest they were before ten minutes of pummelling by half inch diameter hailstones. Five minutes after the storm passed, a Rufous Hummingbird, looking shocked and a little the worse for wear, visited our hummungbird feeder. Not far from it, a Townsend’s Warbler peered out of an evergreen to see it it was safe to come out yet. I don’t think I need to point out that thes two birds are not normally seen at the same time of year. It’s been an odd spring so far indeed.

Peace and good bird watching.

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