For some time now, I’ve noticed that one particular rock, which I have dubbed Lookout Rock, in our front garden seems to be of great interest to all the birds who visit the property. Any bird I’ve seen anywhere near the front feeders at one time or another seemingly finds it necessary to stand on this one particular rock. Curious to see if this was as common an activity as I interpret or of it was simply my imagination, I set the Wingscapes BirdCam near the rock yesterday morning.
The images I downloaded were confirming not only of the fact that a variety of birds use the rock for a perch but that when they do so they always seem to face in the same direction.
All these images were recorded within a half hour period just after sunrise.
It was interesting to see a Western Scrub-jay (Aphelocoma californica) in the yard as by the time the sun is fully up they are no where to be seen near the property.
I’m considering naming our property Varied Thrush Hill due to the ubiquity of their presence this past winter.
Of course their calls are ringing out throughout the forest behind the house every morning. It makes a superb alarm clock.
Peace and good bird watching.
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