This is not a post about birds, bird watching, or natural history of any sort. It is about a promise I made to someone I’ve never met – a promise to help bring a little more attention to a group of people trying to do something good for another group of people who have been through so much pain that they are due all the good they can get.

For those who have never heard of the Wounded Warrior Project, it is an organization formed around three core purposes:

– To raise awareness and enlist the public’s aid for the needs of severely injured service men and women

– To help severely injured service members aid and assist each other

– To provide unique, direct programs and services to meet their needs

It is not an organization about politics or about what the purpose of these recent wars are. It simply works to provide needed help to men and women who, at the request of their government, did what they promised to do. The problem is that same government too often has failed to be there for them when they returned home missing arms, legs, or unduring the pain and suffering of a thousand other types of injuries suffered as a result of simply being stalwart soldiers. I encourage all readers to visit their website to learn more.

Peace, simply peace.

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